No small business is too small for information security
Owning and operating a small business (generally considered to be a business with fewer than 500 employees) isn’t easy. Infrastructure isn’t automatic, the sales funnel constantly needs filling, cashflow can be a problem – it’s easy to get caught up in the immediate, day-to-day challenges without leaving enough time or resources to create a high-level strategy or look more than a few months ahead. Which is why information security often gets pushed to the side.
The problem is that when information security – whether it’s ensuring backups are being done, that employees are taking proper precautions when accessing the internet or using devices, that client and customer information is being stored securely, or that the right software and hardware is in place to prevent ransomware attacks or hackers – is ignored for too long, it can turn into a crisis from which many small businesses just don’t recover.
That’s why we liked this infographic. It’s a good reminder that most small businesses need to prioritize information security the same way they prioritize sales funnels, resource planning, cashflow projections or any other mission-critical systems.